Minor in African-American Studies
Minor Requirements
To graduate with a minor in African-American studies, students must complete 21 interdisciplinary credit hours with a grade of “C’ or better in each minor course. Students may choose from pre-approved courses or may petition the History Department to consider additional courses. Approved courses include:
Course | Name |
ART 403 | Black American Art |
ART 404 |
African Art |
ENGL 335 | Literature of the Black American I |
ENGL 336 | Literature of the Black American II |
GEOG 102 | World Regional Geography |
GEOG 306 | Urban Geography |
GEOG 405 | Geography of Africa |
HIST 205 | African American History I |
HIST 206 | African American History II |
HIST 207 | Introduction to African History |
HIST 305 | Problems in American History, 1867 |
HIST 313 | History of Ancient Africa |
HIST 315 | Modern Africa |
HIST 318 | History of Blacks in American Cities |
HIST 350 | African American Intellectual History |
HIST 354 | Modern Civil Rights Movement |
HIST 420 | Seminar in African American History |
HIST 430 | History of West Africa |
HIST 432 | History of Central Africa |
HIST 436 | History of South Africa |
HIST 438 | History of East Africa |
HIST 440 | Seminar in African History |
HIST 442 | Special Topics in History |
MUSC 305 | Music of the African-American |
POSC 412 | Black Political Behavior |
THEA 301 | History of the Black Performer |

750+ Course Options
The Coppin State University Academic Catalog has a wide variety of skill-building courses designed to inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.
African-American Studies is in the Department of Humanities in the School of Arts & Sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences, and Education.