Coppin State University Return to Campus Plan - Fall 2021
Coppin State University will welcome faculty, staff, and students back to campus, this fall. The university plans to begin the fall semester on August 30, 2021.
The policies and procedures employed will be based on local, state, and federal guidelines, and they will be consistent with guidance received from the University System of Maryland (USM). The health and safety of the Coppin campus community is the top priority, and all plans will include strict adherence to procedures that reflect this.
All incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees must fully comply with the policies and procedures outlined in this document. Any faculty, staff, or third-party vendor employees who wish to seek an exemption to these policies and procedures should contact the Office of Human Resources at 410-951-3666 or by email at [email protected] or by fax at 410-951-2667. Exemptions for employees can only be approved by the Office of Human Resources.
Students who wish to seek religious exemption from these policies and procedures outlined in this document should contact [email protected] or call 410-951-3593. Student requests for medical exemption should be submitted to [email protected] or by calling 410-951-4188.
The COVID-19 situation evolves, constantly, and plans may change, in order for the university to remain committed to ensuring compliance and safety for our campus. Updates will continue to be provided as they are developed, and additional information can be found at
- Coppin State University will meet all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidance regarding COVID-19.
- CSU will implement the vaccine mandate in compliance with USM for all students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees.
- CSU will continue to work with the local health department.
- When in the Substantial Spread Phase or Stay at Home Phase, no visitors or guests will be invited to campus.
- Human resources will work with employees who may need accommodations.
- Disability support services will work with students who need accommodations.
- Individuals without a mask shall not be allowed into a building.
- CSU will provide a disposable or reusable face mask or facial covering to all personnel .
- An individual who completes a screening questionnaire shall respond, accurately.
- Building access controls shall remain in place. All badge activity will be monitored.
- All campus facilities will be thoroughly cleaned with an increased frequency based on CDC guidelines.
- Residential suites are based on a ratio of one student per suite to allow quarantining and isolation, if needed.
- If CSU has any confirmed person with COVID-19 on campus, CSU will suspend classes, as appropriate, close the appropriate areas to disinfect, and initiate contact tracing in conjunction with guidance from the Baltimore City Health Department.
- The protocol for individuals exposed to COVID-19 will be implemented as per the guidance of the Baltimore City Health Department.
Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. Individuals who have already had COVID-19 are required to provide confirmation of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, unless approved under medical or religious exemption. Applications for vaccination exemption should be submitted before August 30, 2021. Unvaccinated individuals who are allowed to report to campus are defined as those who have been cleared to report to campus without a vaccine, due to an approved exemption. Exemptions can only be approved for students, by the CSU Community Health Center or the Division of Student Affairs. Exemptions for employees can only be approved by the Office of Human Resources.
Student medical exemption applications should be submitted to the CSU Community Health Center
- Email: [email protected]
- Call: 410-951-4188
- Fax: 410-951-6158
Student religious exemption applications should be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs
- Email: [email protected]
- Call: 410-951-3593
Employees should submit applications for any exemptions to the Office of Human Resources
- Email: [email protected]
- Call: 410-951-3666
- Fax: 410-951-2667
Employees who are unvaccinated, regardless of the reason, will be required to comply with additional institutional safety protocols that will include, but are not limited to, masking and periodic COVID-19 testing. Employees who fail to comply with the vaccine mandate, or any other campus safety protocols, may be subject to progressive discipline, up to and including termination, in accordance with all existing Board of Regents and institutional policies, and any applicable collective bargaining agreements.
Students registered for in-person courses, who remain unvaccinated, regardless of the reason, will be required to comply with additional institutional safety protocols that will include, but are not limited to, masking and weekly COVID-19 testing. Students who fail to comply with the vaccine mandate, or any other campus safety protocols, may be subject to progressive discipline, up to and including suspension, in accordance with the University’s Code of Student Conduct, overseen by the Division of Student of Affairs.
Fully vaccinated employees, who are asymptomatic, may report to work, upon return from personal, domestic travel. You do NOT need to get tested or self-quarantine if you are fully vaccinated.
Unvaccinated employees:
- Wear a mask while traveling on public transportation and while inside transportation hubs.
- Maintain physical distance of at least six feet, when in crowds
- Must test 3-5 days, upon return
- Must self-quarantine for a full 7 days, after travel
- Monitor for symptoms
- Employees must use their own available leave when required to self-quarantine/isolate as a result of personal travel.
The Vice President of Administration will update university policy on travel, and the University will continue to follow government guidance related to travel.
Notice was provided to all CSU employees that campus-wide remote work/work from home ended on July 6, 2021. Employees shall report to campus to resume employment duties, August 16, 2021. Further consideration to work from home shall be submitted to and considered by the Office of Human Resources.
Masks shall be worn while on campus shuttle transportation.
Cleaning frequency must adhere to local health guidelines.
Coppin State’s AVP for Procurement and Business Services, is the primary point of contact for the procurement of necessary PPE as well as other supplies to begin the fall semester.
At least 70% of all courses offered for fall 2021 semester will be conducted using face-to-face delivery. All traditional online courses, with 400 section numbers, will continue to be offered using online modality. In order to address capacity, there are a limited number of courses that are being offered using the virtual/hybrid modality and are designated with the “CV” section.
Per existing CSU procedure, all faculty will continue to populate the Blackboard Learning Management System with syllabi, assignments, contact information, and other necessary and pertinent course details. Faculty will also record each course delivery using Panapto to support any student who may not be able to attend or participate in the delivery at the time scheduled (for face-to-face and virtual courses).
Faculty are encouraged to be understanding and empathetic and to support students who may need to quarantine or care for an ill family member, or who are not feeling well. Faculty should allow these students to participate in face-to-face courses using the online modality for the temporary period needed to address unique circumstances.
All courses must be offered in the modality identified on the schedule. No faculty will be able to change course modality without prior approval from their chair and dean. The intent to offer most courses (70%) using face-to-face modality is a guiding tenet. Faculty cannot request accommodations from the chairperson and dean. All requests for exemptions and accommodations must be addressed to HR.
All faculty will create a seating chart for each course to support contact tracing should the need arise. Students must be directed to sit in the same seat occupied on the first day of classes to support contact tracing as warranted. Be reminded that each individual, student and faculty are required to wear a mask indoors.
If a student or a faculty in a face-to-face course is exposed to COVID19 or tests positive for COVID19, that course will be transitioned immediately to virtual modality for the minimum required period necessary to support the quarantine process and to allow for sanitizing of the space. All other courses scheduled for delivery in that space will also be offered temporarily through a virtual modality for 48 hours. Transitioning to virtual modality will guarantee that each student has the opportunity to secure the required number of contact hours expected of each course. The department of Facilities Management will post a notice to the door of the classroom and the Office of Records and Registration will be responsible for communicating to all faculty scheduled to deliver instruction in that room to apprise them of the need to close the classroom for cleaning and sanitization for 48 hours. Each faculty must in turn, advise students of the adjustment to deliver modality for the 48 hours required with exception of the course with the exposed individual. Once the 48-hour period ends, classes must resume the original delivery modality. The students under quarantine will resume face-to-face modality after the quarantine period ends.
Internships, student teaching, and clinical courses will adhere to the receiving sites’ COVID19 protocols.
Occupancy of _____ ( __ student per bedroom) residents
Reservation of Daley 202 and 203 and Dedmond 102 and 103 for quarantine usage
Resident Directors- one per building
Resident Assistants- (14) 7 per building
Addendums to Residence Hall Handbook
Clear language on expectations for universal masking, frequent cleaning, and social distancing shall be included, as well as directives that students must adhere to safety guidelines disseminated by the university, consistent with Federal and state guidelines.
The university has established a clear communication plan that will allow employees and customers to understand how the organization plans to reopen or reestablish on-campus business processes.
Have exposure-response communications ready to go to any affected employees and customers.
Have media communications ready to release on topics such as return-to-work timetables, safety protections in place, and how else the company is supporting workers and customers.
Remote work will not be allowed, unless approved, directly, by Human Resources.
By August 29, 2021, the CHRO will collaborate with each vice president to determine a feasible return to campus plan for each division. The plan will delineate measures such as which employees will be allowed to continue remote work and the capacity in which employees will be returning to the office.
By August 30, 2021, the Office of Human Resources will develop and publish on its website and in its bulletin, procedures for employees to request to continue to work from home, including long-term arrangements.
The Division of Information Technology will continue monitoring the technology needed to support virtual workers and will provide resources to the extent possible.
Identify positions, if any, with the potential for occupational exposure to the coronavirus.
Review OSHA regulation 29 CFR § 1904 to determine work-relatedness of illnesses.
Faculty, staff, and students must meet certain criteria to receive approval for university-sponsored travel:
- Fully vaccinated with confirmation on file with the university OR
- Approved exemption OR
- Approved accommodation
- Upon return, fully vaccinated individuals do not need to get tested or self-quarantine.
- Those who are exempted from the vaccine mandate are required to follow CDC guidelines regarding travel:
- Self-monitor for symptoms
- Wear a mask
- Non-vaccinated domestic travelers
- Must be tested one to three days prior to travel and then tested three to five days, upon return.
- Must self-quarantine for seven days and have negative COVID-19 test OR self-quarantine for 10 days, if not tested for COVID-19.
- Quarantine/isolation related to university-approved business travel will not affect the employee’s leave balance.
The following employee health screening procedures will be implemented:
- Employees shall complete health screening surveys online to self-report/disclose any symptoms they may be experiencing.
- The survey results will be monitored and reviewed by a HIPAA-certified designee in the Office of Human Resources.
- In consultation with the Director of the Health Center, if an employee is determined to be exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, the employee will be directed to leave the campus and contact a health care practitioner for enhanced screening.
- An exposure-response plan that addresses isolation, containment and contact tracing procedures.
- Stay away from campus requirements.
- Exposure communications to affected staff.
- Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, face shields, hand sanitizer, etc.
- All employees, upon their return to campus, will be provided one (1) cloth mask to wear while at work on campus, as required.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed around the campus ensuring employees easy access of use.
- A repository of masks and gloves is available in the Office of Human Resources and PPE items will be available upon request for visitors to offices and employees who may have left their PPE at home.
- Detailing cleaning procedures and ensure contractor procure necessary supplies.
- By no later than August 25, 2021, facilities management will meet with custodial contractor to discuss and agree on required frequency for cleaning of restrooms and offices.
Public safety shall remind individuals about wearing a face covering. A student who is found to be in violation of the CSU face covering and/or physical distancing protocols shall be referred to the Office of Community Standards and Student Life. An employee who is found to be in violation of the CSU face covering and/or physical distancing protocols shall be referred to the Office of Human Resources.
Full dining services will resume in the Dining Hall located in Talon Center.
Masks may be removed, while indoors, to allow for eating or drinking.
Individuals are encouraged to not share items or food.
Food in the cafeteria should be covered, placed in enclosed-spaces, and served by cafeteria personnel to minimize contamination.
Residence hall meal plan will resume pre-pandemic provision, for all meals.
The Grill, Café and Einstein’s Bagel’s will be open for the fall.
Fitness/Wellness Center
The wellness center shall be open to the campus community, only, until further notice.
Equipment in the fitness center shall be cleaned after each individual use.
When community transmission is substantial, the wellness center shall remain closed to the external community.
The pool shall be open to the campus community, only, until further notice.
Each building shall remain in badge access, only.
In each building, hand sanitizers shall be available by each entrance and each elevator.
Effective EPA-approved disinfectants shall be made available. Each cleaning crew shall be trained on how to, effectively, use these EPA-disinfectants.
In collaboration with the Baltimore City Health Department, CSU Events and Planning staff shall update space occupancy requirements based on low community spread, moderate, or substantial community spread.
CSU facilities department shall verify that handwashing signage is present in each bathroom area.
CSU facilities shall post in each bathroom the designated CSU phone numbers to call when need to request environmental services (for example, need more paper towels, soap, or hot water)
High use buildings (Administration buildings, Talon, HHSB, STC, and the west entrance of the PEC) must be cleaned in increased frequency. A space or building must receive deep cleaning using EPA-disinfectants wherein there has been a positive COVID-19 event.
Airflow quality shall be monitored, regularly, within the residential halls. In consultation with the Baltimore City Health Department, a determination shall be made to close part of or the entire building, post COVID-19 exposure.
All CSU faculty, staff, and students must be fully vaccinated, or have an approved exemption, to host or participate in any campus event.
All third-party external hosts must be fully vaccinated or have an acceptable exemption.
External guests who attend the in-person event must comply with Symptom Monitoring and all testing requirements.
Testing costs for non-university guests is the responsibility of the external party or organization.
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must be in isolation for a minimum of 10 days.
For those who are partially vaccinated or have an exemption, if exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19, plan to quarantine for a minimum of seven (7) days. Testing will occur on day 5 post exposure. Individuals may return to campus on day 8. Symptom monitoring must be completed for the entire 14 days (about 2 weeks) from exposure. A surgical mask must be worn when return to campus for the duration of the 14 days (about 2 weeks).
Individuals who are fully vaccinated will not need to quarantine. They can remain on campus and must wear a surgical mask and complete symptom monitoring for the duration of the 14-day period.
All students shall submit confirmation that they have received a COVID-19 vaccine, by August 13, 2021.
Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (410)-951-6158
All students shall sign a residential agreement with updated guidelines that address safety, personal protection, stay-at-home orders, quarantine, isolation, and revisions to the Residential Student Code of Conduct agreement.
By no later than October 29, 2021, a student shall provide evidence of an annual flu vaccination.
CSU shall provide one face covering or mask (based on CDC guidelines) to each residential student. The Director of the Residence Life shall ensure distribution to each residential student.
A student shall wear a face covering over his or her nose and mouth while on campus. A student who needs an exemption from this requirement shall follow up with the Office of Disability Support Services to request an accommodation.
A student who is in quarantine or isolation shall receive a paper mask or shall wear a cloth covering and change a minimum of each day.
A student shall regularly clean and maintain his or her face covering or face mask.
A student must screen using the online self-assessment screening questionnaire. Any student who has symptoms must call the Community Health Center or other designated COVID-19 testing site for testing.
A student who has been tested for COVID-19 and awaiting results or who has tested positive for COVID-19, shall immediately notify the Community Health Center staff and the Director of Residential Services.
A residential student waiting for COVID-19 test results must self-quarantine in his or her room (if single occupancy) and must remain on isolation precautions while waiting the results.
All employees shall sign an acknowledgement about the CSU COVID-19 policies and guidelines for a safe workplace. All faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees shall were required to submit confirmation that they have received a COVID-19 vaccine, by August 13, 2021.Human Resources has provided new deadline to all employees and vendors who have not yet provided confirmation.
Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (410) 951-2667
An employee shall receive an update regarding the COVID-19 self-screening questionnaire process regarding symptom monitoring. An employee who responds “yes” to any screening questionnaire shall follow up with Employee Health.
An employee who returns to campus may receive one cloth face covering or cloth mask from Human Resources.
An employee shall, regularly, clean and maintain his or her face covering or face mask.
An employee must wear a face covering over his or her nose and mouth while inside any building, on campus. An employee who needs an accommodation must follow up with Human Resources, prior to reporting to campus.
An employee shall not share equipment and supplies found in common work areas (for example telephones or computers) and all supplies shall be cleaned before use. Employees must inspect all equipment and work areas at the beginning of the work shift.
A faculty member shall use a sneeze shield if he or she must remove his or her mask to lecture.
For an employee in a high-risk area, CSU shall provide the appropriate PPEs including surgical mask, N-95 mask, KN-95 mask, gloves, goggles, face shields, gowns, and hair bonnets.
An employee who has symptoms and meets the criteria for a COVID-19 test shall contact Human Resources for next steps and be referred to CSU Community Health Center or other appropriate COVID-19 testing site.
Students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees are expected to monitor symptoms. Individuals who develop any of the following symptoms, while on campus, shall leave immediately and notify his or her supervisor (employees) or the Community Health Center (students).
- Fever
- Cough
- Breathing problems
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Inability to taste or smell
- Gastrointestinal upset
- Muscle aches
Individuals who experience any of the above symptoms should refrain from reporting to campus and plan to notify the appropriate department.
- Commuter Students should notify the Community Health Center (CHC) at (410) 951-4188
- Residential students should notify the Office of Residence Life at (410) 951-6399
- Athletes should notify the Director of Athletics or designee
- Employees should notify the Office of Human Resources at (410) 951-3666
An employee who tests positive for COVID-19 shall immediately notify Human Resources and shall not return to work until he or she has been cleared to return by a medical professional.
A student who has been tested for COVID-19 and awaiting results, or a student who has tested positive for COVID-19, shall immediately notify the Community Health Center staff and the Director of Residence Life if applicable.
A residential student waiting for COVID-19 test results must quarantine in his or her room (if single occupancy) and must remain in quarantine while awaiting results.
Fully vaccinated individuals are required to test once per month, during the first week of every month. Fully vaccinated athletes must test once per week.
Individuals who are partially vaccinated or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of once per week. Compliance will be monitored, and progressive discipline will be implemented accordingly. Athletes who are partially vaccinated or who have an exemption must test minimally twice a week.
CSU reserves the right to increase testing requirements if there are any modifications to local, state, and/or federal guidelines.
Students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask indoors. Masks should not be removed, while indoors, unless to allow for eating or drinking, in designated dining areas.
The CSU Community Health Center offers the Moderna vaccine, daily from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary, and the vaccine is available to the CSU campus and the external community.
The frequency of cleaning shall be consistent with guidance provided by the CDC and the local health department.
Buildings that are utilized, shall only be accessible through a single primary entrance and the entrance shall require a Coppin State ID for entry. This will help ensure that the only individuals entering the building are Coppin State students or employees.
The FY2022 budget development process will include, to the extent they are known, costs associated with planning for a fall 2021 return to campus. These costs will include the costs for the acquisition of PPE and other materials and supplies necessary to support the plan.
WFF Facility Service’s agreement amendment will recognize the necessary increase in cleaning services in order to accommodate students, faculty, and staff on campus. The frequency of cleaning as well as the methods utilized will be adjusted to provide the necessary sanitizing to surfaces and facilities. This will include residence halls, academic and administrative buildings, and student services facilities. The realignment of resources will provide a focused approach to maximize available resources in the areas of greatest need.