Coppin State University Students to Participate in Truist Emerging Leaders Certification

Coppin students will participate in this interactive certification focusing on the self-awareness necessary to lead others more effectively.
Forty-nine Coppin State University’s (CSU) students will virtually participate in the Truist Emerging Leaders Certification program, a highly interactive certification initiative for college and university students, on Feb. 4 and 5th.
The Truist Emerging Leaders Certification focuses on the self-awareness necessary to lead others more effectively. After completing the program, participants will be equipped with practical tools and strategies for overcoming leadership shortcomings discovered during the sessions. The program will focus on two sessions: “Leaders Aren’t Born” and “What’s your Strategy.”
“We are grateful to Truist for this outstanding opportunity to partner in offering our students practical leadership skills for the real world,” said Dr. Michael Freeman, CSU vice president of enrollment management and student affairs.
The Truist Leadership Model is a highly interactive certification program. Participants learn that their beliefs drive their behaviors and ultimately impact their results. Students will also identify their Leadership Purpose, a working statement defining their leadership goals and objectives.