ROTC Program and Curriculum
The Military Science program is based on a four-year curriculum structured to be integrated with the normal baccalaureate degree program. The program provides flexibility through a number of options and alternatives. These alternatives recognize previous military related experience, such as Junior ROTC and prior military service and provide for accelerated or compressed instruction to allow late entry into the program.
General Education Requirements (GER)
The Department of Military Science is a regular department of instruction of the university and the elective academic credits earned are credited to degrees offered by the other departments. The unit is of the General Military Science type and offers commissions in all branches of the Army to selected students who successfully complete the entire program. On November 15, 2001 the recommendation of the Curriculum Standards and Policies Committee to substitute the following courses for ROTC Cadets only was approved. A total of 13 credits was approved.
4-Year Curriculum
The ROTC Program is based on a curriculum intended to be integrated with the normal baccalaureate degree program. Flexibility is provided through a number of options and alternatives. These alternatives recognize previous military related experience and provide accelerated or compressed instruction to allow late entry into the program.
The Four-Year Program is divided into two parts: The Basic Course and the Advanced Course.
The Basic Course is usually taken during the freshman and sophomore years of college (Military Science I and Military Science II, respectively) and covers such subjects as management principles, national defense, physical fitness, first aid and leadership development. There is no military obligation for enrollment in the Basic Course. After they have completed the Basic Course, students who have demonstrated the potential to become officers and who have met the physical, moral and scholastic standards are eligible to enroll in the Advanced Course.
The Advanced Course is usually taken during junior and senior years (Military Science III and Military Science IV, respectively). It includes instruction in organization and management, tactics, ethics, professionalism, and further leadership development.
During the summer between their junior and senior years, Advanced Course Cadets attend a fully paid, five week National Advanced Leadership Camp. This camp gives Cadets the opportunity to put into practice the theories and principles they learned in the classroom and introduces them to life in the U.S. Army from both a garrison and a field perspective.
2-Year Program
The Two Year Program is designed for juniors and community college graduates, transfer students, or students entering a two year post graduated course of study. Some students with prior military science also qualify for enrollment into the Advanced Course, along with the students in the four year program. Leadership Training Camp will provide students the opportunity to gain the same experiences, knowledge, and skills as their contemporaries who have taken the first two years of ROTC. Automatic enrollment into the Advanced Course is contingent on the completion of a fully paid, five week Leadership Training Camp, normally held during the summer between their sophomore and junior years.
Placement Credit
The Chairperson of Military Science may elect to provide from one or two years placement credit for the Basic Course to the following categorized students:
- 3 year Junior ROTC graduate;
- Honorably discharged veterans; and
- Members of the Reserves or National Guard who have completed basic training.
All students must be academically aligned as juniors.
Sophomores, 2nd year transfer students or community college graduates who have not completed the two year Basic Course phase of ROTC may receive placement credit by attending a special six week ROTC Leadership Training Camp offered during the summer. Interested students should contact the Military Science Department.
Students who are in one of the above categories should arrange for an interview with the Military Science Department to determine their status.
Program Description
The U.S. Army ROTC Program offered at Morgan State and Coppin State Universities is designed to develop your leadership, management, and basic military skills. There is a significant focus on preparing you to successfully complete the ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC), the most significant event in your Cadet training. The ultimate goal is for each Cadet to be well prepared for service as a commissioned Officer in one of the three components of the U.S. Army- the Active Army, the Army National Guard, or the United States Army Reserve. The purpose of each MS year is delineated in the following two sections.
MS I Cadets attend Military Science academic classes and Leadership Labs each semester. Participation in FTXs, weekly Leadership Laboratories, formal social functions and physical training is included as part of the class participation or attendance grade of MS classes.
(1) The purpose of Military Science I is:
- To provide the Cadet an overview of Army ROTC and the Army: its history, customs, regulations and opportunities, to include the scholarship process.
- To instill the Army Values and concept of Duty, Honor, Country in Cadets, as well as to imbue in Cadets the Cadet Creed.
- To develop personal character and challenge freshmen to live up to the standards of Army Officers.
- To foster a sense of responsibility within Cadets, especially toward academics and ROTC subjects.
- To develop self-confidence through challenging, adventurous and innovative training, including hands-on military skills.
- To develop oral and written presentation skills.
- To develop a sense of belonging to the Army family, especially as a member of the Bear Battalion, this will motivate students to participate fully in Army ROTC.
- viii. To prepare MS I Cadets to become successful MS II Cadets.
(2) Requirements for Participating Cadets
- Enrollment in MS 103Introduction to Military Science (2 sem. hrs) for the Fall Semester at Morgan State
- Enrollment in MS 104 Basic Military Skills (2 sem. hrs) for the Spring Semester at Morgan State
- Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA in general studies and a 3.0 in ROTC courses
- Participate in physical training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 0600-0720
- Attend Lab on Thursdays 1500 to 1630 at Morgan State
- Meet Army height and weight standards
- Pass Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)
- Attend all Field Training Exercises as required
MS II Cadets attend ROTC academic classes and Leadership Labs each quarter or semester. Participation in FTXs, weekly Leadership Laboratories, formal social functions and physical training is included as part of the class participation or attendance grade of MS classes.
(1) The purpose of Military Science II is:
- To introduce MS II Cadets to the role of the noncommissioned Officer, to expose them to NCO leadership in the Active Army and the Bear Battalion, and to prepare them to assume NCO leadership of the Cadet battalion in the future. To further afford each Cadet an opportunity to serve as a small unit leader.
- To become familiar with and develop knowledge of basic military skills, specifically first aid, operations orders, tactics, and leadership. The focus of training is to prepare Cadets to be future leaders of the Cadet battalion and eventually, the Army. To further develop oral and written presentation skills.
- To introduce Cadets to the Army Leadership Framework and encourage them to develop their leadership attributes, as well as, to live by the Cadet Creed and Army Values.
- To encourage qualified MS II Cadets to contract into the Advance Course.
- To prepare MS II Cadets to be successful MS III Cadets.
(2) Requirements for Participating Cadets
- Must have completed freshmen requirements
- Enrollment in MS 200 Leadership Development I (3 sem. hrs) for the Fall Semester at Morgan State
- Enrollment in MS 204 Leadership development II (3 sem. hrs) for the Spring Semester at Morgan State
- Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA in general studies and a 3.0 in ROTC courses.
- Participate in physical training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 0600-0720
- Attend Lab on Thursdays 1500 to 1630 at Morgan State
- Meet Army height and weight standards
- Pass Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)
- Attend all Field Training Exercises as required
Note: MSL I through II classes are open to any student wanting to see what the Army ROTC program is all about with no obligations.
MS III Cadets will attend Military Science academic courses each quarter or semester. Participation in FTXs, scheduled Leadership Laboratories, formal social functions, and physical training is required. Participation in extracurricular activities is a training event and mandatory.
(1) The purposes of Military Science III is:
- To prepare Cadets for success at the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC). Training consists of hands-on situational tactical exercises, planning and executing operations orders and basic military skills.
- The Leadership Development Process and the Twenty-three Leadership Dimensions are used to evaluate and improve MS III performance.
- To further develop oral and written presentation skills.
- To prepare Cadets to become responsible MS IVs. The MS III year will reinforce troop leadership skills necessary for success as Cadet Officers.
- To enable the Cadet to make sound informed decisions concerning component (Reserve Forces Duty, Active Duty), branch, and initial duty assignments.
- To coach/teach/mentor Cadets as they provide the NCO and Officer leadership in the Cadet battalion.
- To instill an understanding that college performance is as important as ROTC involvement to the Cadets' future. Similarly, their performance at Advanced Camp is a training and performance evaluation which is critical in the selection process for component and branch.
(2) Junior Year
- Must have completed freshmen and sophomore requirements or have attended LTC
- Must be contracted by the Spring Semester of Junior Year
- Must attend LDAC at Fort Lewis, WA in the summer between junior and senior year, or attend LDAC after your senior year and be an end of camp commissionee
- Enrollment in MS 301 Introduction to Team and Small Unit Operations (3 sem. hrs) for the Fall Semester at Morgan State
- Enrollment in MS 302 Introduction to Military Training Management (3 sem. hrs) for the Spring Semester at Morgan State
- Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA in general studies and a 3.0 in ROTC courses
- Participate in physical training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 0600-0720
- Attend Lab on Thursdays 1500 to 1630 at Morgan State
- Meet Army height and weight standards
- Pass Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)
- Attend all Field Training Exercises as required
MS IV Cadets will attend ROTC academic courses each quarter or semester. Participation in FTXs, special professional development events, physical training, and all Leadership Laboratories is required. Involvement with extracurricular activities is a training event and mandatory.
(1) The purpose of Military Science IV is:
- To develop the Cadet's leadership and managerial skills, enabling him/her to assume the junior Officer leadership of the U.S. Army.
- To develop leadership and managerial skills in the Cadet Battalion by planning, coordinating, and conducting the training of Basic Course Cadets.
- To prepare MS IV Cadets for success at the Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC II) and the Officer Basic Course (OBC).
(2) Senior Year
- Must have completed junior year requirements
- Enrollment in MS 401 Military Science IV: Adaptive Leadership (3 sem. hrs) for the Fall Semester at Morgan State
- Enrollment in MS 402 Military Science IV: Leadership in a Complex World (3 sem. hrs) for the Spring Semester at Morgan State
- Must have completed a Military History Class
- Maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA in general studies and a 3.0 in ROTC courses
- Participate in physical training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 0600-0700
- Attend Lab on Thursdays 1530 to 1830 at Morgan State
- Meet Army height and weight standards
- Pass Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)
- Attend all Field Training Exercises as required
(3) Completion Cadet
- Meet Army height and weight standards
- Pass Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)
- Maintain full time student status until graduation
Commissioning Requirements
Satisfactory completion of:
- The Basic Course (via class attendance and/or placement credit)
- The Advanced Course
- The LDAC - Leadership Development and Assessment Course
- A course in Military History (HIST 327)
- A Computer Literacy course
- Satisfactory completion of the Enhanced Skills Training Program
The student must:
- Maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA)
- Pass a Department of Defense medical examination within 16 months of the date of commissioning
- Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test within six (6) months of the date of commissioning
- Not have exceeded the 30th birthday (27th for scholarship students) on date of commissioning
Satisfactory completion of:
- The Basic Course (via class attendance and/ or placement credit);
- The Advanced Course;
- The National Advanced Leadership Camp
- A course in Military History (HIST 327);
- Swimming test consisting of a 10-minute swim using any combination of four strokes (backstroke, freestyle, sidestroke, or breaststroke) and tread water for 5 minutes.
- Successful completion of CWST administered at NALC. The CWST consists of a
- 15 meters Swim with a M-16, wearing BDUs, tennis shoes, and LBE ,
- a 3 meter drop - walk off a 3 meter diving board blindfolded with weapon and LBE enter the water and remove blindfold, swim to side of pool without losing weapon
- Equipment removal - Enter water and discard weapon and LBE. Swim to side of pool
- Satisfactory completion of the Enhanced Skills Training Program (See Program of Instruction).
- The Cadet must:
- Maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA
- Pass a Department of Defense medical examination within 24 months of the date of commissioning;
- Pass the Army Physical Fitness within six (6) months of the commissioning date; and,
- Not have exceeded the 27th birthday by June 30th of the commissioning year for non prior service Cadets (32nd birthday for prior service Cadets).
How to Become An Army Officer (2LT)

Do you know what you need to do to become a Second Lieutenant? Here's what it takes:
- Graduate from college
- Make sure it's the same degree & graduation date on your ROTC contract (ex. Criminal Justice, MAY 2015)
- Review your 104-R with your MSCI Instructor every semester (update signatures as necessary).
- Sign-up for ROTC classes*
- LAB on Thursday (1500-1630)
- Juniors take MSC 301 in Fall and 302 in Spring
- Seniors take MSC 401 in Fall and 402 in Spring
- Take an ROTC approved US History class or HIS 327
- Pass the Combat Water Survival Test (CWST) & Swim Test
- CWST: 5 minute tread water, 50 meter swim, unusual entry
- Swim Test: 10 minute swim, 5 minute tread
- Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)
- Minimum 70 points in each category - leaders don't do minimum!
- Attend all Mandatory Events
- PT (M-W-F), Fall/Spring FTXs, Pass LDAC, weekly LAB, Dining In/Out...and class!
- Battle Sight Zero an M16/M4 rifle and group 9 shots
- If this doesn't make sense, you haven't accomplished this task!
- You can't transfer to another college or change majors without written permission!
- Complete your security clearance NLT 6 months after signing your contract
- You'll need a security clearance if you want to attend CULP or CTLT