Cadet Information and Resources
Army ROTC Mission
Army ROTC expects each Cadet to gain the knowledge and skills to become an Army Officer. Every activity, course, and training program serves as opportunities for Cadets to build on the skills needed for future Army leadership. The mission of the Army ROTC holds true the following objectives:
To supplement the traditional education of the university with subjects of value to the student in civilian or military pursuits, to teach each Cadet to communicate effectively both orally and in writing and to motivate Cadets to become leaders throughout their lives.
To develop in each Cadet a high sense of duty and the attributes of character inherent in leadership which emphasize integrity, discipline and motivation to succeed in the profession of arms. Inherent in this objective is the Cadet Honor Code, "A Cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate anyone who does." Moral: To develop in each Cadet a high sense of duty and the attributes of character inherent in leadership which emphasize integrity, discipline, and motivation to succeed in the profession of arms. Ethical leadership is the foundation upon which the service leadership development through the Army ROTC program rests.
To develop in each Cadet the stamina and fitness essential to a physically demanding career as an Army Officer. Physical: To develop in each Cadet the stamina and fitness essential to a physically demanding career as an Army Officer. Physical fitness is a way of life. Physical fitness improves individual performance through the reduction of stress and improved mental and physical well-being.
To provide Cadets with the broad-based military education required as a prerequisite for commissioning. Military: To provide Cadets with the broad-based military science and military leadership education required as a prerequisite of commissioning. The traditional purposes and ideals are to unite in closer relationship the military departments of American universities and colleges; to preserve and develop the essential qualities of good efficient officers; to prepare ourselves as educated men and women to take a more active part and have greater influence in military affairs of the communities in which we may reside; and above all to spread intelligent, accurate information concerning the military requirements of our country.
Army ROTC Training Opportunities
There are many training opportunities available to ROTC Cadets with the U.S. Army. These training opportunities occur during summer break at various active and reserve Army installations.
Airborne Training
Qualified Cadets have a number of opportunities to attend airborne training. Airborne training is three weeks in duration and is taught at Ft Benning, Georgia. Cadets will learn how to parachute during both the day and night. You will be given the opportunity to complete five parachute jumps from different aircraft. Upon completion you receive the "Silver Wings" of the Parachutist Badge.
Air Assault Training
Air Assault training is also available to qualified Cadets. The training is two weeks long and is taught at either Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Fort Shafter, Hawaii, Fort Rucker, Alabama or Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Students will learn basic and advanced rappelling techniques from towers and helicopters. Upon completion you receive the Air Assault badge.
Mountain Warfare Training
Mountain Warfare school is a very exciting course that is available to qualified Cadets. The training is three weeks long and is conducted at the Ethan Allen Firing Range, Vermont. Basic military mountaineering, lead and party climbing and rescue techniques are taught. This is an exciting and challenging course that is always in demand.
Northern Warfare Training
Northern Warfare Training is done at Ft. Greely Alaska, just outside Delta Junction. Students have the opportunity to experience the beauty and majesty of Alaska while learning challenging and exciting skills. The Northern Warfare Training school teaches fighting techniques unique to the arctic environment including glacier training, water operations and airmobile operations.
Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) Program
The Cadet Troop Leader Training Program allows selected advanced course Cadets to see what it is like to serve as a lieutenant in a junior leadership position on Active duty. These Cadets serve as Platoon Leaders and will be in charge, experiencing all the challenges our 2LTs face every day. The training lasts for three weeks following the completion of Advanced Camp. CTLT can be completed at almost all Army bases both within the Continental United States and overseas. This very rewarding training is highly sought after and attendance is reserved for only the best.
Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP)
NSTP has two phases, a field phase and a clinical phase. The field phase will be at Ft Lewis Washington. The clinical phase can be at various locations such as, Washington, Texas, Hawaii, Oklahoma, and Washington DC just to name a few. During the field phase a nurse Cadet gets the opportunity to show his or her expertise in areas such as land navigation, communications, tactics, physical fitness and weapons qualification.
During the clinical phase, which can be before or after the field phase, the Cadet reports to an Army hospital where your emphasis will be on "hands on" experiences supervised by an Army Nurse Corps officer.
Cadet Activities
As a Cadet, you have access variety of activities to get involved. Each activity is an opportunity to live, practice and develop the intellectual, moral, physical, and military mindset needed to become an Army Officer.
Ranger Challenge
Each year, top Cadets from around the country gather to compete in the Army ROTC's varsity sport: Ranger Challenge. This voluntary competition offers outstanding teamwork training while demanding your best physical and mental efforts. Events include orienteering, in which teams use land navigation skills to find 40 checkpoints over a four-square mile course; constructing a one-rope bridge, in which teams cross a 40-foot water obstacle using a single rope and plenty of ingenuity; weapons assembly, grenade assault, a ten kilometer ruck march, and an Army Physical Fitness Test. When this intensive 36-hour competition is over, every participant feels like a winner. The Watson's Rangers, our Ranger Challenge team, trains year-round in preparation for this event and also assists the MSIII's in preparation for Advance Camp.
Color Guard
Coppin's Color Guard presents our National colors at all home basketball games. In addition to their service to the Coppin community, the "Bear Battalion" color guard has had the privilege of performing at civic and athletic events throughout the state and surrounding areas.
Cadet Professional Development Training
Cadet Professional Development Training (CPDT) offers Cadets the opportunity to train and further develop their officer potential at active Army installations all around the world. Programs such as Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT), Northern Warfare School, Basic Airborne Training, and Air Assault School, allow a Cadet to gain valuable experience that will be an asset in their future Army career.
ROCKS 5 Miler
Each year the Bear Battalion will select a handful of fit motivated Cadets to compete in this beautiful and scenic race. The race is named for General Roscoe Cartwright who initiated a national outreach program for mentoring and professional career development to ROTC students and others in pre-commissioning programs.

Official Military Resources
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